Third Party Harassment Policy

At Compass Mining, we are committed to providing a safe, respectful, and harassment-free environment for all our employees. We have a zero-tolerance policy regarding any form of harassment, including inappropriate language, actions, or behavior directed towards our employees by anyone outside our organization, specifically including any of our customers, clients, vendors, or others that we do business with. Our goal is to provide a positive experience for all customers while ensuring the well-being of our team. We will not tolerate harassing behavior, even if it means having awkward conversations with customers or vendors or even losing business. We appreciate our customers’ cooperation in maintaining a respectful and professional environment.

Policy Statement:

Respect and Professionalism: We expect all interactions between customers, clients, vendors, or others that we do business with (for purposes hereof a “Third Party”) and our employees to be conducted with respect and professionalism. Any form of harassment or behavior, including but not limited to, verbal abuse, discriminatory comments, humiliation, victimization, racial slurs, sexual advances, inappropriate language, innuendos, veiled threats or physical intimidation, will not be tolerated. Harassment can happen in-person, over the phone, via email, via our website, via our support channels, through a messaging app or via social media platforms including but not limited to LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, X, Discord, and Snapchat. Any Third Party who objectifies, threatens or ridicules our employees is a harasser.

Reports by Our Employees: Our employees have been trained not to hesitate to report a Third Party (or a Third Party’s employee) if they act in a harassing manner, behave inappropriately and/or make our employee’s life difficult. Reporting by our employees of a Third Party is taken very seriously, and may lead to any of the consequences outlined in this policy.  Compass Mining will investigate our employee’s reports and contact the Third Party to demand them to change their behavior. If the Third Party is a business, we have the right to do all or any the following: (a) contact the Third Party’s human resources department and file a complaint against the person who harassed our employee, (b) explicitly demand for the behavior to stop, (c) ask the Third Party to assign another person as the contact to Compass Mining.

Right to Refuse Service: Compass Mining reserves the right to refuse service to any Third Party who engages in harassment of our employees or who otherwise violates this policy.

Right to Terminate Contracts: In the event that a Third Party repeatedly engages in harassing behavior, which continues after we have given the Third Party warning, Compass Mining reserves the right to terminate any and all existing contracts with the offending Third Party, after which Compass will have no liability whatsoever to the Third Party for any damage, loss, expense or cost as a result of any such termination or suspension. The decision as to whether to terminate any Third Party contract will be made at the sole and absolute discretion of our executive team.

Additional Consequences of Harassment: Consequences for harassment and violations of this policy may include, but are not limited to, refusal of service, termination of contracts, and legal action if necessary. Our company will involve law enforcement if a harasser stalks, assaults or verbally/physically threatens an employee. This applies to all possible Third Parties from customers to vendors. Our priority is to ensure the safety and well-being of our employees.

By accepting the Compass Hosting Service Agreement, the Compass Hardware Purchase Agreement, or otherwise entering into a contract for products or services with us, you are agreeing to adhere to this policy and understand the consequences for any violation.

Thank you for your cooperation.