With fewer curtailments, our facilities achieved an uptime of 99.11% last week. For more details, please see the chart below:

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Ontario 1:

The facility's uptime has significantly improved, as there were no outages or curtailments this week. The onsite team focused on repairing control boards and fans and will continue diagnosing miners with issues.

Ohio 2:

The onsite team has been busy diagnosing miners, performing bolt-on repairs, and shipping out miners for hashboard repairs. Due to the elevated temperatures, we've experienced reduced utilization percentages. Additionally, the C1 container’s switchgear tripped, which further impacted the utilization at the facility. We are still working to resolve this issue. We’ll keep you updated on our Status Page.

Indiana 1/2:

The onsite technicians were out sick, temporarily halting the diagnosis of faulty miners. As a result, this week's stats have decreased, but we remain optimistic that the utilization at the facility will recover soon and continue on the upward trajectory.

Texas 1:

The site experienced a transformer failure, necessitating the relocation of some miners to minimize the impact on customers. This consumed significant resources on-site and delayed work on pending diagnostics and bolt-on repairs. We expect regular operations to resume this week.

Texas 5:

Last week, the facility focused on troubleshooting minor firmware issues with certain units and de-racking other units showing zero hash rates. The onsite team will continue to address the miners that require diagnostics and repairs.

Curtailments & Outages:

Over the past week, fewer instances of curtailment were observed at some sites. Please refer to the table below for a breakdown of downtime at each facility:

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

We are shipping all remaining TX3/NE1 relocation miners to the new Nebraska facility in two batches to better manage the workload for onsite staff. The first batch, consisting of three trucks, will arrive at the end of this week. Compass staff will be onsite to begin racking as soon as they arrive, with a target energization date of Sept 16th. The second batch will be shipped next week. We expect all miners pending relocation to be online by the end of the month.