Last week, uptime decreased to 90.24% due to increased curtailment incidents across most sites. For a detailed breakdown, please refer to the chart below:

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Ontario 1:

The onsite team conducted routine maintenance and focused on racking repaired miners. They are also actively working on miners queued for diagnostics and repairs to improve the facility's uptime.

Ohio 2:

Last week, warmer weather led to increased curtailment at the facility. Our onsite team worked diligently to troubleshoot miners and complete bolt-on repairs during the downtime. Electricians visited the site to service the breakers in two containers and also repair the switch gear in one of the containers. We will update our Status Page as we progress on these electrical issues.

Texas 5:

The facility operator has been under maintenance for spray foam sealing to address the overheating issues. The on-site team is also actively working on diagnosing and repairing offline miners.

Curtailments & Outages:

Curtailment events have increased in frequency and length, resulting in significant downtime across all sites. The table below provides a summary of last week's outages:

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

Most of the TX3/NE1 relocation miners have been redeployed at Indiana 1/2 and Iowa 1/2. The remaining items will be shipped to the Nebraska facility in two batches. The first batch will be shipped at the end of this week, and those miners should start hashing by September 15th. The second batch will be shipped next week to allow time for the first batch to be racked. We expect all remaining relocation miners to be online by the end of September. We will continue to provide updates as we get closer to the date.