Last week, our uptime for all sites was 95.20%. Please refer to the chart below for further details:

Helpful links:

Facility Updates

Ontario 1:

The site experienced cooler weather last week and achieved 100% uptime with 96% utilization. The on-site team is maintaining a steady pace on bolt-on repairs and miner diagnostics.

Ohio 2:

The switchgear in the C1 container is awaiting repair. We will continue to post updates on our Status Page. Meanwhile, the team is conducting an audit and working through a list of units that require troubleshooting.

Indiana 1/2:

The site operator is diligently working to address overheating issues and enhance airflow to combat the high temperatures in the area. Recent data from last week indicates that our changes have improved machine utilization.

Curtailments & Outages:

This week, due to high grid demand, multiple sites experienced curtailment. The table below provides a summary of the downtime across our facilities for the past week:

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation

Compass staff is on-site to assist with the racking and deployment of relocation miners at our new facility, Nebraska 2. According to the latest information, miners are expected to be energized on September 24th.