Last week, our facilities had an overall uptime of 91.1% as we saw increased curtailments at various facilities. The chart below provides details:

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Facility Updates

Indiana 1-2: We are expanding our presence at the site to accommodate a portion of the miners relocated from Texas 3 and Nebraska. In the next two weeks, another 1,600 slots will be available.

Ontario: Due to the summer heat, the site has been curtailing frequently to meet the demand on the grid. Furthermore, with the deployment of new miners at the site, technicians need to move around 400 miners to accommodate the new units. We’ve observed some diagnostics and bolt-on repair delays during this deployment and expect to catch up this week.

Ohio 2: A recent electrical issue in one of the racks has led to a partial outage, impacting 30% of the miners. Additionally, the facility has faced numerous curtailments this week, resulting in lower-than-expected uptime. Our dedicated technicians remain focused on deploying miners and overseeing on-site repairs to restore all miners to full operation as soon as possible.

Curtailments & Outages: Most of our facilities experienced at least one outage last week. The frequency of curtailments also increased due to the high demand for electricity on the grid. The table below summarizes the downtime across our facilities for the past week.

Deployment Updates

Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.

Turnkey Miners

We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:

Relocation Updates

Texas 3 Relocation

The majority of miners from Texas 3 have been shipped out. Only about 3,000 units remain at the site and are being prepared for shipping.

Nebraska Relocation

The facility has already been powered down, and miners are being prepared for shipping. We expect these miners to leave the facility by the end of this week.