Our overall uptime across all sites was 99.31% last week. For a detailed breakdown, please see the chart below:
Helpful links:
- Your Compass Dashboard for your order information
- Compass Status page for real-time updates on facility status
- Naming conventions for each facility here
Facility Updates
Indiana 1 / 2:
The on-site team is working to enhance the site's infrastructure and improve the air filtering systems. This comprehensive work will take approximately three weeks to complete.
Manitoba 2-9:
Following a significant snowfall that impacted our Manitoba sites, the on-site team resumed activities as soon as the weather improved. Their commitment and resilience ensured we could swiftly get back on track and continue operations despite the challenging weather conditions.
Ohio 2:
The team has completed the deracks from last week and is now troubleshooting units. Additionally, the team has invested resources and time in the end-of-year audit, further slowing down actions.
Ontario 1:
The on-site team has been busy installing new S21 units. The site also experienced several PDU failures that required immediate replacement. This week, the team will shift its focus to troubleshooting and diagnostics of units.
Curtailments & Outages:
The table below summarizes the downtime (including curtailment, power outages, and maintenance) at our facilities over the past week:
Deployment Updates
Please submit a ticket request if you have any questions or concerns.
We have turnkey miners ready for immediate deployment at some of our facilities. Here is a summary of the units we have available on the Compass website:
Relocation Updates
Texas 3 & Nebraska 1 Relocation
The remaining 800 units have been shipped to our new site in Texas. They are expected to be online this week.
Texas 1 Relocation
Only 1655 units remain at the Texas 1 facility. They will be de-racked next week and shipped to our new site in Texas.
Manitoba 2 & Manitoba 9 Relocation
The Manitoba 2/9 sites will begin relocating on January 5th. The process, including de-racking, transportation, cleaning, testing, and re-racking, is expected to take 6-9 weeks. Miners are expected to return online by March 2025.